Zero downtime · Safe for ALL skin types · Incredible Results

Jet Plasma is the next advancement in therapeutic plasma treatment for skin. Its technology brightens, tightens, and promotes high levels of collagen regeneration for all skin types. Remodeling and repairing your skin from the inside out on a cellular level; Jet Plasma is an ideal companion to Plasma Fibroblast, or a solo treatment for more delicate or reactionary skin.

Being as it uses J Plasma and Cold Plasma, Jets’ cooler atmospheric temperature does not create any surface trauma to the epidermis (top most layer of skin) like traditional Plasma Fibroblast. While Jet Plasma is not a replacement for Plasma Fibroblast, it offers as an amazing alternative for non-invasive rejuvenating results. Jet Plasma treats inflammation, skin laxity, hyperpigmentation, and acne due to its sterilization abilities. Along with further groundbreaking research, Jet Plasma is showing to aid in hair growth and restoration for those experiencing hair loss. Thus making it safe for all textures and skin tones.

Why choose Jet?

For clients seeking cumulative results with no post-procedural downtime, Jet is a game changer. Since its technology utilizes more recipient-friendly forms of Plasma, Jet broadens the reach towards individuals seeking dynamic changes with significantly less worry for contraindications.

  • What is the difference between Plasma Fibroblast and Jet Plasma?

    Plasma Fibroblast offers the ability to tailor and fine-tune areas of tightening treated since it goes beyond just contraction of skin with its microscopic removal. However, Jets’ ability to sterilize makes it ideal for those who suffer from acne, rosacea, melasma, and other tonal or textural concerns. But Plasma Fibroblast and Jet Plasma do not need to be an either/or. If you’re seeking optimal results both services work beautifully in conjunction together.

  • What does a Jet session entail?

    Minimal! What is required of you is a treatment area clean and clear of any and ALL products, thirty minutes to take a power nap or zone out, and 12 hours post-treatment to allow Jet to do it’s thing.

  • But why multiple sessions? Won’t one do the trick?

    Jet is cumulative. Just like Plasma Fibroblast is. Though Jet technology improves your treated area with each session, when compounding upon each other over a concentrated period of time, you will benefit more optimally. Each client has different needs that can be tailored to through various packaged sessions until their desired results appear.

  • So seriously, no downtime?

    Seriously. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Have you ever heard of or seen a fairy ring? Generally found in densely forested areas; fairy rings are naturally occurring circles of mushrooms created by mycelium. Mycelium is a root-like structure below ground surface that produces these rings. You do not witness mycelium working its wonder until the new growth occurs above. Just as you do not witness Jet working its wonder until the newly remodeled skin occurs externally.